

This year felt like ten days. Of course, not everyone can say it zipped by for them. Some were doing math homework within earshot of their siblings. Some were on conference calls while the cleaning lady was vacuuming. And some were signing into class while their parents were bickering. To...

More skills trainers. More camps. More training sessions. More ball work. More camps. More. More. More. It seems as if everyone is over-training, yet under-preparing. Here's what I mean: instead of focusing on the entirety of the human, young female athletes are focusing on the specialized work, namely,...

Everyone wants that one piece of advice to prevent ACL injuries. Everyone wants that one knee exercise. Everyone wants that one strength routine that will ensure they stay resilient. So what is it? Be relentlessly consistent with strengthening your entire body. You see, ACL injury reduction must be approached holistically....