

In 11 years of coaching young female soccer players, I continue to be flabbergasted by how many messages I get from parents about their daughters' overuse injuries. It sucks. It's bad. I'm tired. "Our daughter has had knee pain for several months," say several concerned parents. "Our daughter has a...

Soccer players, stop training speed with the just soccer ball. I love posting statements like this on social media because enraged people come out of the woodwork, without looking into its context and the actual programming of the coach. Just look, this caused a cacophony of responses: "You're...

A missed period is not a badge of honor. It's a red flag. Full disclosure: I've received several messages from female athletes about missed periods, and their lack of education is alarming. Of course, it's not their fault, as professionals aren't being transparent. Their doctors aren't providing...

I didn’t sign up for strength training because I feared injury. Back in the early 2000s, strength coaches didn’t market their programs with the phrase “injury prevention.” The jargon in their marketing focused on speed, strength, and conditioning, and becoming bigger, faster, and stronger. I was sold. These...