12 Nov Total Youth Female Athlete Fitness: A Complete Video Course on Training the Female Athlete
I’m giddy.
After 9 years of working with young female athletes, this is one my biggest projects that I couldn’t be more excited for releasing.
Of course, over the years, I’ve been able to see ‘munchkin’ elementary school girls blossom into women, which has been the ultimate win for me as a coach – to see them thrive on the field as college athletes, as well as off the field as working professionals.
I’m old.
And it’s been an incredible journey that has gone by faster than a counterattack.
Young female athletes are a rewarding population to work with due to dynamic changes in growth, maturation and potential for improved performance with sound programming and quality technique.
While we want to get our girls fast, strong and conditioned as soon as possible, we have to remember that it is a meticulous process that must be approach with care and safety as they mature.
This is why I spent a month developing Total Youth Female Athlete Fitness.
Yes, one month.
It was a jam packed month of many hours, video takes, re-takes, edits, uploads, sprints, jumps, and plenty of sweat droplets.
I mean, come on.
My young female athletes crushed it and went all out in the video tutorials:
I am thrilled to announce that Total Youth Female Athlete Fitness will be unlike any other video course out there.
I’m not biased or anything. ;-O
My mission is to give coaches and female athletes a one-stop-shop tool for learning jumping and landing mechanics, joint angles for change of direction and reduced injury, speed technique to become fast, as well as strength training technique, and executing all of these things in a practical setting.
Here is the full list of video modules in the course:
I’m excited, to say the least.
So when does it come out?
That’s a good question because I don’t know.
You can get the latest updates on the exact launch date by subscribing to my email list HERE.
I’ll say this: my plan is to release it end of 2020, or beginning of 2021. Either way, it will be out soon and you will be able to dive in during this cold and cozy winter.
Hope to see you in the course!
To get a year-round speed, strength and conditioning in-season and off-season workbook for youth athletes, GET TOTAL YOUTH SOCCER FITNESS 365 HERE.
Dot Yee
Posted at 18:34h, 13 NovemberPlease add me to your email list! Interested for my 10 y/o daughter.
Posted at 15:38h, 15 NovemberYou are added 🙂
Mark Seibert
Posted at 00:02h, 28 DecemberPlease add me. I coach middle school girls soccer in Millersville, Pa.
Posted at 13:27h, 28 DecemberOf course! Happy to help, Mark! What a great group to coach.