
Three Podcasts On Youth Soccer Strength and Conditioning

Three Podcasts On Youth Soccer Strength and Conditioning

Since the quarantine began, I’ve been doubling down on the podcast interviews.

Now is a great time to dive into online content, spread my message, teach and impact others, and ensure all information on youth soccer strength and conditioning is right at your ears.

Better yet, you have the time now too, huh?


Grab your AirPods and get listening.

Here are three episodes I appeared on in the last month that go into more detail on what to do during quarantine from a physical as well as mental training standpoint.


Female Athlete Summit Interview



I was so grateful to be back at coach Jen Brickey’s Female Athlete Summit, amongst an amazing and passionate line-up of coaches to female athletes.

You can register HERE to get access to all of the interviews.


Raising Competitors Podcast


Jake Thompson CEO of an empowering platform for athletes and high performers, Compete Every Day, is doing a tremendous job motivating others to achieve their potential and attack adversity with tenacity.



I was so grateful to be surrounded by his infectious energy for THIS interview. Enjoy.


Becoming A Lifelong Athlete Podcast


If someone would’ve told me even a month ago I’d be on a golf performance podcast, I would’ve told them they were crazy.

After talking to Dr. J.P. Guidry, though, I learned that there’s tremendous carryover in golf and soccer youth physical development. In fact, it’s one in the same.

Put simply, all young athletes need to be developed as humans first. Good old-fashioned, general-to-specific progression and adaptation.

It’s exercise science.

But more critically, it’s common sense. ;-O

Listen to the full episode HERE.



To continue your education on youth soccer strength and conditioning, as well as provide your players with fun speed, strength and agility drills, get Total Youth Soccer Fitness HERE

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