
Phone App Online Training Program for Kids: Speed, Strength, Agility and Conditioning

Phone App Online Training Program for Kids: Speed, Strength, Agility and Conditioning


It has been a tumultuous several months of building out middle school and high school off-season and in-season programs on my new phone app.

While it took an immense amount of work, I’m so thrilled it’s out there.

Not because it’s cool to say I put my Johns Hopkins University education to use once and for all (hi, Mom and Dad!), but to be able to make speed, strength, agility and conditioning workout programs more accessible and easy to execute for kids.

Oh! And shout out to the parents too…I know everyone is busy with sports schedules, commuting, work and so much more, that the thought of having your kids work out from home is extremely relieving.

So how does my phone app program work?

First things first: you can trial free for 7 days.

I want everyone to get comfy with the app first to see if they enjoy the functionality. I’m not biased or anything, but it’s pretty awesome. ;-O

What’s so cool is you can click on each exercise and see a video demo, then once completed, you write in your results (how much weight you did, how many seconds you did, etc), and you can track progress as you go.

You also get weekly Monday Motivation messages from me (yes, it’s me personally taking the time to write them, and not an AI robot). ;-O

So how do you start your free trial?


Before you get all flustered that you have to enter in your payment information, it’s not charging you for the first 7 days. I repeat: it’s not charging you for the first 7 days.

After the free trial is over, you can cancel your subscription or continue. I’ll try not to be offended if you cancel. ;-O

So that’s that! Once you join the program, I’ll personally message you to get into my private Facebook community that helps with exercise technique in detail, load monitoring questions, specific game and practice schedules, and the most up to date research on youth physical development. You’ll have exclusive access to me to pick my brain and engage in discussion on youth training.

The Facebook community has a plethora of physical therapists, track coaches, strength and speed coaches, and parents who are passionate about helping kids improve performance.

Hope to see you in there and I know you will crush the program!

Join my speed, strength, agility and conditioning phone app program HERE to get access to online youth speed, strength, agility and conditioning off-season and in-season workouts.

Get my book TOTAL YOUTH SOCCER FITNESS HERE to learn about youth physical development theory and practice.

To work with me in person in Tampa, Florida, CONTACT ME HERE.

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