17 Aug How Female Athletes Can Level Up And Out-Do Their Competition
More skills trainers. More camps. More training sessions. More ball work. More camps.
More. More. More.
It seems as if everyone is over-training, yet under-preparing.
Here’s what I mean: instead of focusing on the entirety of the human, young female athletes are focusing on the specialized work, namely, sport specific training that ignores the mental and emotional components.
Being the total female athlete, one who is empowered, confident and robust, takes looking at performance from a holistic lens – stress management, sleep, nutrition, purpose, strength training, community/service, and relationships (I call these The Empowered Seven).
They’re important because if one category is slacking it impacts the whole on a neural level.
Oh, so you have five trainers, yet you’re in a constant state of stress and fatigue?
Oh, so you have overuse injury, yet you’re failing to incorporate resistance training into your regimen to alleviate it?
Oh, so you have chronic muscle soreness, yet you’re not getting enough sleep for growth hormone production and muscle recovery?
Oh, so you have poor reaction time on the pitch, yet you’re not doing your meditation to calm your internal state and stay sharp?
Oh, so you played five games this past weekend, yet didn’t eat enough and have a wiped out nervous system?
The truth is, if young female athletes nailed down proper recovery, quality sleep, and nourishment, they wouldn’t need all of these extra trainers to get an edge over their peers.
If young female athletes nailed down proper recovery, quality sleep, and nourishment, they wouldn't need all of these extra trainers to get an edge over their peers. Share on XThe solutions to high performance and injury reduction lie beneath the layers of muscle on the neural and cellular levels.
How are their relationships? Are they stressing them out?
How is their nourishment? Are they under-fueling?
How is their sleep? Are they having too much screen time?
More than physical training, these directly impact performance and injury, and can cause a bomb in the central nervous system that releases a storm of stress hormones.
So before hiring a skills trainer, a track coach, and a second skills trainer, nail these down first for an entire year. Then get back to me.
And guess what? When sports end, your female athletes will be better for life – to express themselves as healthy, fulfilled beings who know how to take care of themselves inside and out.
To listen to more details on the pieces of high performance and how to take action, listen to The Soccer Queens Podcast Episode 2: The Hard Truth About Leveling Up
To work with me online or in person in Baltimore, MD, under a customized strength, speed and conditioning plan, in addition to weekly check-ins with mental and emotional health, BOOK A CALL HERE TO APPLY.
If you want to execute your own program at home that builds the complete young female athlete, GET TOTAL YOUTH SOCCER FITNESS 365.
Kathy Taborda
Posted at 12:55h, 17 AugustHi, can you recommend a few exercises for knee valgus for a 12 yr old girl.
Posted at 13:06h, 17 AugustKathy, great question! Without meeting or knowing the unique movement of your daughter, it could be several things: lack of balance in the foot, calf weakness, hip weakness, core instability. I highly recommend working on ALL of these holistically to set her up for better movement during her growth spurt. There are several of these movements on my Youtube as well as in the Total Youth Soccer Fitness program