
Female Athlete Performance Nutrition: Improving Energy, Recovery and Speed

Female Athlete Performance Nutrition: Improving Energy, Recovery and Speed

It’s year 2022 and I’m still talking about the benefits of strength training for female athletes. For some, the conversation is easy and they get it. For others, I feel I have to cajole them to get under the iron, and that their female athletes won’t get “too big” or “slow down.”

Team coaches and youth female athletes alike, still have a bad taste in their mouths toward lifting weights.

Unless a girl does 5+ sets for 15+ reps every exercise, while doing endless muscle isolation work, and consuming a surplus of calories, they might get “bulky” and hinder their explosiveness and speed in their sport.

But look…this isn’t bodybuilding.

Female athletes need total body strength training with low to moderate volume, high intensity, moderate to heavy weight, combined with speed, plyometrics and conditioning.

The amount of miles team sport female athletes cover weekly is massive (around 7-10 miles or more), and all of this endurance work actually makes their muscles wither away, so strength training is a year-round non-negotiable.

We need to continue to build girls’ muscles to protect their joints, bolster their bone growth, and improve their speed. Combine this all with proper nutrition, and things get even more magical and amazing.

We need to continue to build girls' muscles to protect their joints, bolster their bone growth, and improve their speed. Combine this all with proper nutrition, and things get even more magical and amazing. Click To Tweet

In my latest podcast appearance on The Female Athlete Nutrition Podcast, I discuss the importance of female athletes strength training for life, as well as fueling with whole foods.

Listen to the full episode HERE


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