
30 Days of Training Female Athletes, Day 27: Sample Strength and Power Day Warm-Up

30 Days of Training Female Athletes, Day 27: Sample Strength and Power Day Warm-Up

Without fail, anytime a new athlete comes to their first session and finishes the dynamic warm-up, they go, “is that the workout?”

My response: “we’re just getting started.”

The warm-up, to that end, isn’t supposed to tickle.

It’s supposed to get the athlete’s heart rate up, and fire up the muscle groups for the theme of the day. As an example, if we’re doing a speed day, we will do Marching, Skipping, Crawling, and High Knee variations, with a side of dynamic stretches of all muscle groups. We will also do plyometrics that prep for max velocity work such as Vertical Hops, Jumps and Pogos.

Here is a sample warm-up and movement primer for a Strength and Deceleration day:

Get the Total Youth Female Athlete Fitness video course to learn how to teach female athletes strength technique, speed, and change of direction mechanics for injury reduction and performance, as well as learn about growth and maturation considerations, menstrual cycle, nutrition, and so much more HERE

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