
30 Days of Training Female Athletes, Day 25: Coaching Cues When Teaching Strength Movements

30 Days of Training Female Athletes, Day 25: Coaching Cues When Teaching Strength Movements

If a female athlete is new to strength training, they need to master the unloaded movement patterns first.

Can they execute with control?

Are they balanced?

Are they mindful of the muscles being recruited?

One cue that has never failed for all beginners is: SLOW DOWN.

Here are the movement patterns all my female athletes must master before getting under the iron or adding load and speed:


Cues: feet flat, press big toe to mid-foot to heel into ground, eyes straight ahead, ball lined up with chin, sit butt down


Cues: pike hips back, soft knee bend, proud chest facing forward (for second exercise that is single leg: squeeze glute of leg that kicks back)


Cues: hands a little wider than shoulders, eyes gazing forward but slightly down, feet together, squeeze glutes throughout entire movement




Cues: feet below hips, body straight, squeeze glutes throughout entire movement


Cues: arms extended, thumbs up and at chin level, step back slowly, keep front foot glued to ground, keep front knee lined up with ankle and hip joint.


Cues: hips lined up with shoulders, no higher than head, keep back flat, knees low, small steps moving opposite arm and leg simultaneously


Get the Total Youth Female Athlete Fitness video course to learn how to teach female athletes strength technique, speed, and change of direction mechanics for injury reduction and performance, as well as learn about growth and maturation considerations, menstrual cycle, nutrition, and so much more HERE



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