
Technique Tuesday: Plyometrics for Female Athletes

Technique Tuesday: Plyometrics for Female Athletes

As I write this, my t-shirt is drenched, my hair disheveled, my shoes smelly, and my legs sore.

This sums up coaching full days in the humidity of Baltimore, Maryland in the Summer.

I’ll be honest: I just finished one of these days and I came home and totally forgot to post a Technique Tuesday blog until now! It’s about 6pm on Tuesday (yes, I’m that meticulous with my schedule and aim to get these out every Tuesday morning), but life just happened today. All good.

Without further ado, let’s jump into this week’s tutorial on plyometrics…no pun intended 😉


  • Cathriona Walsh
    Posted at 12:22h, 24 June Reply

    Hi Erica
    I’m just a volunteer coach of different field sports.
    To add some plyometrics to the on field sport specific sessions – is it best to do it at the start of the session or would it matter?

    • erica
      Posted at 12:25h, 24 June Reply

      Great question! Yes, at the start of session after warm-up is perfect! Plyos tax nervous system so best to do when players are fresh! 🙂

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