
An Ode To Recovery: Part 2 Collab with Coach Dave Gleason

An Ode To Recovery: Part 2 Collab with Coach Dave Gleason

The other day, I wrote an extensive article on the importance of recovery.

It seems everyone is going hard 24/7, broadcasting their “grind” and “hustle” on social media, and not taking a true break.

Of course, we’re all guilty of this.

We live in a world that is nonstop, with an excess of stimulation and crap to get done.

But you know what?

I’m giving you permission to chill out.

Everyone needs a break.

Alex Morgan.



Even me.

In fact, I just returned back to coaching after a two week vacation, and my colleagues said to me, “wow, Erica, for once you don’t look worn out and like you aged 10 years.”

Seriously. They basically said I looked awful from December-May. HAHAHAHAHA.

So in honor of proper recovery, Coach Dave Gleason and I wrote another article together on the subject.


You can read it HERE.

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