19 Nov 30 Days of Training Female Athletes, Day 7: Build Your Shell
The human body doesn’t work in isolation.
It’s one magnificent system that works simultaneously to bolster human movement and performance.
If the feet, ankles and calves are weak, the pelvis is impacted.
If the pelvis is flimsy, the ankles are precarious.
If the shoulders and back are weak, the gluteals and hamstrings are weak.
If the gluteals and hamstrings are weak, the knee is unstable.
If the knee is unstable, well…
You get the point.
Now, this isn’t to scare anyone. Rather, it’s to empower female athletes to build their shell that is their body.
Instead of just going through the motions with ab crunches, or bicep curls, or endless leg days, the entire system needs to be strengthened.
HERE is an article on ACL Injury Reduction for Female Athletes and how to approach with total body resistance, speed and change of direction training.
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