16 Nov 30 Days of Training Female Athletes, Day 4: To Hell And Back, A Story On Hope
I try to keep things light on this blog.
With all of the Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and Beyonce references, my mission is to write about youth athletic development through the lens of simplicity and levity.
Writing in pop culture references and sentence fragments may not bolster my SEO, but it sure keeps an audience captivated by my prose.
Of course, not all of my storytelling has been rainbows and butterflies and magical fairies.
Life is hard.
In sports. In career. In relationships. In friendships. In academics.
Never has any human gone through their existence unscathed by some form of trauma – something that either pulled them closer to the deep end, or something that uplifted them into new heights.
Personally, I’ve been to hell and back, yet I used it to empower myself for a lifetime.
I want to inspire young female athletes to use their darkness as a means to finding the light as well.
So here’s my story in a blog I wrote a while back: SOCCER SAVED MY LIFE.
For more strength, speed and agility programs for female athletes, as well as set and rep progressions and workbooks, GET TOTAL YOUTH SOCCER FITNESS 365
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