29 Dec 30 Days of Training Female Athletes, Day 24: Sample Fun Speed and Strength Workout for Coaches To Do On Pitch
The best practices were when girls had fun, while working hard.
I just got nostalgic of the times my high school coach had our team of 25 girls play a game called “Anything Goes.” It was similar to a game of rugby – we had to get our ball into the other team’s end zone. Actually, that was it. Those were the only rules.
We could tackle each other.
We could pick up the ball and run with it.
We could wrestle, block, shield, grapple.
Literally, anything was fair game.
While it may sound belligerent for a girls’ team in 2020, it was one of my favorite games because we were encouraged to be aggressive, play without fear of making a mistake, and we had to use some serious speed and strength to be the victors.
The practices I left with my hair all frizzy, drenched in sweat, and with a big smile on my face were priceless.
Here is a fun sample workout for coaches to do on pitch that works on speed, strength and explosiveness for young female athletes:
Dynamic Warm Up (sample in Total Youth Soccer Fitness 365)
Bunny Hop Ground Contact Competition 5 second duration (over 15+ contacts)
Tornado Jump Best Landing Competition
Plank Shoulder Tap Competition (keep cone on back longest)
Hip Turn Chase Race
Curved Sprint Race
Walkout Cross Crawl (max time)
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