20 Jun 10 Things Youth Sport Coaches Must Know About Child Development
You know what I’ve been loving lately?
Pumping out one blog a week.
But not just any, short blurb.
Rather, an in depth article that is a minimum of 2,000 words.
You see, I used to write several articles a week that glossed over general information, leaving the audience hanging for more theory, research and actionable solutions.
I was about quantity and not always quality.
Now, I want to take my time to write on topics in more detail, with more painstaking attention to scientific evidence, as well as practical solutions for youth coaches, parents and players.
I was so grateful to have one of my favorite pieces published for Simplifaster. It plunges into the depths of child development and everything coaches need to know from a physiological, social, and emotional perspective.
Based on these components, training needs to be tweaked immensely.
You can read the FULL ARTICLE HERE
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